Thématique : Réglementation
Toutes les thématiques
The Importance of KYC Procedures for Asset Management and Investment Funds Companies
In 2012, prompted by the intergovernmental organization FATF (Financial Action Task Force), Europe adopted new regulations aimed at strengthening anti-money laundering measures. New Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements were thus introduced.

ELTIF: Encouraging Long-Term Investments in the European Union
On March 7, 2023, the Council of the European Union adopted a revised version of the regulatory framework for European Long-Term Investment Funds (ELTIF). It comes into effect in April 2023 and will be applicable from January 10, 2024.

European crowdfunding regulation: overview of the key points
On November 10, the European Crowdfunding Service Providers for business (ECSP) Regulation came into force.

Crowdfunding public : réglementation, avantages, modalités
Depuis le décret de décembre 2015, les collectivités territoriales ont accès au crowdfunding pour aider au financement de projets sur leur territoire. Ce décret a ouvert la voie à de nouvelles perspectives de développement et d'animation de l'économie et de la vie locales. Afin de permettre aux collectivités de s'engager encore plus facilement dans le crowdfunding, une proposition de loi relative « au développement du financement participatif public » a été soumise en juin 2018.

Unknown to the general public, the term ICO is increasingly used in the business world. An ICO (Initial Coin Offering) is ultimately nothing more than a fundraising operation. France is the first country to establish an open regulation and aims at making the Paris financial centre more attractive. The Participatory Investment Advisors (PIA) have a place to take.